Nikon D3100 Camera Price in Malaysia
- Nikon D3100 DSLR Camera with 18-250mm f/3.5-5.6 AF-S DX VR Nikkor zoom lens
- full 1080p HD cinematic video with full-time autofocus
Image Sensor 14.2 megapixel
Video Resolution | Full HD 1,920×1,080 / 24 fps | HD 1,280×720 / 30 fps | HD 1,280×720 / 24 fps | VGA 640×424 / 30 fps | Movie with sound |
Camera makers always try to stress that mirror less cameras are creating an entirely new market, rather than competing with entry-level DSLRs, but it’s pretty clear that many people planning to upgrade from their point-and-shoot compact will consider both types of camera when making their decision. So, while the D3100 is unequivocally a DSLR (in a time where the line between DSLRs and mirror less cameras is becoming increasingly hazy), its beginner-friendly guide mode puts it squarely in competition with several of the mirror less models that are equally eager to welcome point-and-shoot upgraders.
The D3100 is built around a 14.2 megapixel CMOS sensor, bringing not only live view but also Full HD video capture to Nikon’s entry-level model for the first time. In fact, this made it the first Nikon DSLR to offer 1920×1080 movie recording. It can only record clips up to about ten minutes long (due to a 4Gb maximum file size limitation shared by all DSLRs), but this still counts as an impressive feature addition at this level.
The body gets a slight refresh from a basic design that essentially dates back four years to the D40, gaining an extra button to the left of the screen, a drive mode switch at the base of the mode dial, a sprung lever to engage live view and a direct record movie button. Revisions have also been made to the feature-teaching, hand-holding ‘Guide Mode’, and an additional autofocus mode that’s designed to allow better focusing in live view and autofocus during video shooting.
All of this adds up to a DSLR that incorporates all of 2010’s ‘must have’ features but looks like the product of evolution, rather than dramatic innovation. And 2010 has been a year during which the rest of the market hasn’t developed along such predictable lines, not least during the expansion of the large sensor, mirror less interchangeable lens camera crowd.